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发布时间:2024-04-30 17:18 作者:jrs直播 阅读:

詹姆斯·福雷斯特 今天自 11 月底客场对阵拉齐奥的比赛以来首次进入首发阵容。这位 32 岁的球员在比赛中攻入两球,帮助球队保持了领先优势。球队在积分榜上领先三分。这个双打让福雷斯特在本赛季打进了 6 个进球,而他在 491 场比赛中为凯尔特人队的总进球数达到了 107 个篮球队在丹斯公园球场以 2-1 战胜邓迪队这些是真正的凯尔特人传奇人物的统计数据,但福雷斯特一向对自己的贡献很谦虚。他很高兴为凯尔特人队再次获胜做出贡献。赛后接受采访时,福雷斯特说道:“今天的第一个进球是一个很好的进球,我很高兴我做出了贡献并帮助了球队,我们得到了三分,这是最重要的事情。“我们开局不错,有一些不同的组合,尤其是在我这边,我们进入了几次,也许只是我们的最后一传不存在。但一旦我们确定了目标,我们就会全力以赴。”凯尔特人电视台“We started well and had a few different combinations, especially down my side, and we got in a couple of times and maybe just our final pass wasn’t there. But once we got the goal, we settled into it.”

This season, Forrest has played 24 games – four starts and 20 as a substitute – scoring six goals, including his double at Dens Park today.That compares to last season when he played a total of 23 games – 5 starts and 18 as a sub – with five goals to his name.And while the player always wants to play, whenever that’s not the case, he simply gets his head down and continues working hard every day on the training ground.“It was difficult and I think there was a wee spell in January-February when I wasn’t in squad,” he said, “but you just need to keep working hard and keep training because in football anything can happen and it can change pretty quickly from game to game.“I’ve been back in the squad and contributing to the team and hopefully I can do that with the remaining games of the season.“If I look at my Celtic career, ninety percent of that, and maybe more, has been so positive and there have been so many great memories and I’ve always felt this season that I could still contribute and still help the team.“So it’s been great coming here, getting the three points and scoring a couple of goals and I’m just looking forward to the next couple of games and I want to keep doing more.”






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